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Months Into Moments Mastermind – 2 Day Workshop

Retail value: $1949

Donated by Wayne Fredin, Take Action Results – Proud member of BNI Triumph

Item condition: New

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One ticket to attend Wayne Fredin’s 2 Day in person Mastermind Event. Discover the strategies that will lead to accelerating your growth, amplifying your profits and achieving time freedom and financial abundance.

Taking place on March 7 & 8, 2024, this is your Roadmap to an intentional and purposeful 2024 and beyond. Put feeling overwhelmed, uncertain and stressed in the rear view mirror. This event will teach you exactly what to do to create financial abundance and time freedom in your business and life! The 7 Core Strategies you will learn include:

  1. 3 Year Strategic Plan. We will work you through an 8-milestone template to build your unique plan.
  2. You will be introduced to my Business Power Team Strategy and more importantly, you will experience the direct value of having pros like this on your ‘team’.
  3. Amplify Your Profits Strategy. Learn how to double or more your NET profits in a year or less. This could be worth 10’s of thousands on its own. And best of all, it is all math and you can use your own business metrics to see your potential growth.
  4. The Effective Billing Rate Strategy shows you how you can maximize your income and totally own your schedule. If making more money and doing it in less time is of interest, you will really want to pay attention to this one. As to value, what would it be worth to you to have an extra few hours per week to spend more time with your family, more recreation, more volunteer work, more whatever you want.
  5. The Maximum Utilization Strategy is complex to talk about but simple to learn using charts and graphs. Most small businesses must Build to Grow which means growth is funded by the success of the business. Unless you have deep pocket investors or significant debt options where you can Grow to Build, this strategy is critical for you to scale up.
  6. The Compelling Influence Strategy is simply awesome. Imagine if your prospective clients or customers felt almost compelled to work with you – what would that be worth to your business?
  7. And finally, The Exit Strategy gives you that final piece of the puzzle – what you need to do to maximize the value of your business if you ever choose to exit the business? Don’t wait until it is too late to learn your business is only worth a fraction of what you think it is worth – that is the trap most exiting owners discover the hard way.

Download this PDF to see the full agenda!

Also includes Continental Breakfasts, Lunches and Happy Hours both days and more… There will be lots of time for networking with other attendees. Between the time at breakfasts, lunches and the end day open bar along with 15-minute breaks every 60-90 minutes, I hope you get to meet and chat with everyone attending. I would be shocked if everyone attending did not leave the event with one or more new business contacts for future collaboration. Full details at

Don’t Just Survive in 2024 – Thrive!

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February 12, 2024 12:00 amAuction started