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Sewer Line Inspection

Retail Value: $325

Donated by David Bates, Inspection Works – Proud member of BNI Enterprise

Item condition: New

Auction finished


Buyers of older homes need to be careful with the sewer line. That’s because these lines are more likely to have problems like blockages, collapses, and root intrusion. If these issues aren’t detected early, they can turn into an expensive nightmare. A sewer scope is like a colonoscopy for your house, where we can take a look deep into the sewer line to identify any potential issues. A sewer scope inspection can save you tens of thousands of dollars in repairs. We’ve had clients who have avoided paying for $16,000 in repairs just because they had a sewer inspection. It’s better to catch these problems early on, rather than deal with the aftermath later. Make sure your plumbing gets drained, not your bank account. Inspection Works. Experienced information putting your mind at ease.

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February 12, 2024 12:00 amAuction started